Over the past year and a half, COVID-19影响了教职员工和学生在课堂内外的学习方式, 影响和激励跨学科的研究项目. Trinity College researchers in the fields of economics, mathematics, 政治学、公共政策和法律是其工作与COVID大流行直接相关的领域.

Assistant Professor of Economics Gerardo Ruiz Sánchez

Following the stay-at-home order issued in March 2020, Gerardo Ruiz Sánchez, assistant professor of economics, 启动了三个关于COVID-19可能如何导致不良后果的独立研究项目. Inspired by a news article on mental health during the pandemic, he began gathering data on suicide rates. 因为日本是少数几个每月公布自杀率报告的国家之一, Ruiz Sánchez decided to focus on Japan. In a paper recently published by the Economics Letters journal, Ruiz Sánchez分享了与前几年相比,日本自杀率显著上升的证据, particularly among women under the age of 30.

“COVID-19导致了广泛的失业和精神健康状况的恶化, both of which could contribute to a suicide decision,” said Ruiz Sánchez. “在一些社会中,妇女面临着不公正地落在她们身上的额外困难, like childcare responsibilities. 还有证据表明,家庭暴力的增加是因为“居家令”. 所有这些都表明,有必要为日本30岁以下妇女的心理健康提供额外的支持.”

Ruiz Sánchez also published a paper in 2020  on the importance, as demonstrated by the pandemic, 根据《信誉最好的网投十大平台》扩大医疗保险的保费补贴, making healthcare more affordable and accessible. 目前,他正在研究疫情对墨西哥孕产妇死亡的影响.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics Lina Ma
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Lina Ma

In the Mathematics Department, Celina Cheng ’22, a mathematics and economics double major from Shanghai, China, and Yuetong Lin ’22, a mathematics major from Qingdao, China, are working alongside Lina Ma, assistant professor of mathematics, to model COVID-19. 研究小组正在研究传染病的SIR模型, 这说明了疾病是如何传播的以及人们是如何从易感人群中转移的, to infectious, to recovered. As the pandemic continues to evolve, with vaccines as well as factors such as the Delta variant, 研究小组对其模型进行了调整,以纳入化学反应的概念.

Lin explained, “The concept of a chemical reaction shows that it goes both ways; just as the infected can recover, the recovered can also become infected.” Invited speakers also joined the researchers this summer, 就化学反应的主题和整个研究过程进行演讲.

马、程和林将在整个秋季学期继续他们的研究. 学生研究人员目前正准备联系康涅狄格州公共卫生部, 目的是获取有关死亡或住院率的数据, in order to work towards a more sophisticated model. Cheng and Lin, for whom this is a first-time research experience, 说他们很享受在课堂之外探索数学的机会. “对于信誉最好的网投十大平台的本科生来说,研究既有趣又容易,”马说. “我特别鼓励女学生参与STEM研究.”

For Bea Dresser ’22, a political science and human rights double major from Hartford, this summer was her second spent working on the AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study (ARCHES). 该研究由罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会资助,于2017年启动 Abigail Fisher Williamson, 政治学、公共政策与法律副教授, 以及来自康涅狄格大学和克利夫兰州立大学的同事. 拱门询问不同背景的美国人如何形成和改变他们对一个关键问题的看法:谁的健康值得社会关注, investment, or care? COVID-19大流行为arch研究带来了更多的相关性.

student and professor sitting outside
Abigail Fisher Williamson, 政治学、公共政策与法律副教授, and Bea Dresser ’22

Using the results of a national survey conducted in October 2020, Dresser和Williamson正在积极撰写一篇论文,论证在大流行期间经历的困难如何在三个关键方面影响人们对卫生公平的看法. First, 艰苦的经历与对健康的社会决定因素的更大认识有关:即个人行为之外的因素, such as one’s neighborhood, that shape one’s opportunities to live a healthy life. Second, 经历困难与对谁应该得到医疗费用帮助的更广泛的看法有关. And third, 经历困难的人更愿意采取行动支持卫生公平,选择签署调查中描述的请愿书.

Williamson explained, “我们发现,疫情不仅在重塑人们的生活, but also their views, 这种方式可以为更多关于如何支持公平的讨论创造机会.” Dresser added, “我觉得这项研究真的让我们看到了同理心是如何表现的, and how it plays out in something like health, where the consequences are tangible and concrete.”

在研究了两个夏天之后,德莱塞对这次经历表示了感谢. “思考如此重要的信息,得到Williamson教授的信任和鼓励,我获得了这样的信心. I have always wanted to go into public service; this research experience has both confirmed that there is a space for me in that work and serves as a stepping stone as I move forward.”

信誉最好的网投十大平台为学生提供了许多从事研究的机会,无论是在校内还是校外. Learn more here.

查看信誉最好的网投十大平台社区其他成员参与的与covid -19相关的虚拟演讲, please click the links below.

疫苗管道:开发安全有效的疫苗以防止我们世界上一些最严重的威胁 By Kari Sweeney Efferen ’03, Associate Director at Pfizer. (Dec. 2020) -虚拟长途步行和三一跨学科研究所提出.

A Discussion on Albert Camus’ The Plague (La Peste) (Aug. 2020)由信誉最好的网投十大平台跨学科研究(TIIS)和伦纳德E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life.

Who Makes the Rules During a Pandemic? (2020年6月)与公共政策和法律项目主任和法律研究Renny Fulco和Brooke LePage ' 19副教授的对话, policy associate at FutureEd, Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy